Monday, November 11, 2024

My GoFundMe update report - November 10, 2024 - In Defense of Women (v.3)

Let us try to elevate this reproductive rights discussion beyond the same old cliches.

My GoFundMe update - November 10, 2024 

In Defense of Women (postcard activism)

 * I want to send my heart felt thanks and appreciation to GoFundMe, and staff, for allowing me this opportunity, and for allowing me to hang on despite so little support. I have the postcards ready to go, and there's a greater need than ever for these simple and constructive thoughts to be shared and discussed. If we aren't changing minds we are losing.

November 10, 2024
Since my last update, my life has been tremendously crowded busy, with some civic work, travel and caretaking grandchildren, working around our cabin, and of course my Maddy dog and the many walks she expects and that keep me exercising. I'll admit, I was brought low by the lack of support and interest, topped off by another brush off from my friends within the Local Democratic Party when I personally reached out to them for a little help and support in reaching out with this postcard and some help with stamps. Seems they thought it was a mute issue, already won and not important just then - another belly punch that knocked the wind out of me and had me returning to other chores. So many of them knock downs over the decades of trying, like what's the point if no one is interested? What can I say, something keeps me getting up off the floor, as so it was, this past Wednesday morning I was brutally reminded of why it did mattered.  

This was another example of exactly why the Democrats can't win when it matters most, too self-absorbed, too smug, and with their eye's ever on the rearview mirror. No time for actually engaging with concerned citizens, not enough imagination to set up a "Democratic Party Online Discussion Forum" for and by Democrats, where we might have a chance to network and feel like we're part of a noble effort. But no, a gazillion frantic texts begging for money, rather than texts outlining the important issues and arguments, such as the importance of a government operated under rule of law, and a government run by fair play with checks and balances. Also on a more fundamental philosophical level, the need to recognize the difference between fantasy and down to Earth reality. IF WE AREN'T CHANGING MINDS WE ARE LOSING. And boy did we lose big time here in November 2024 an election that will go down in infamy. Still I imagine there will be some push back, the billionaires have the bucks and power, but the regular people remain, original principles remain valid, and people always find a way to push back. I would like to be a part of some constructive intellectual push back, but how to find them. Something that makes people question old assumptions in light of new realities. Starting with this simple postcard regarding a woman's rights. With its succinct list of reasons for supporting the right to sovereignty over her body. Please I need help with stamps, and I could also use addresses to people who might appreciate this clear summary. Let us try to elevate the discuss beyond the same old cliches, to a more empathic thoughtful level that takes into account the realities of a pregnancy's many complexities. =================================

Here is the text of the postcard: I n D e f e n s e o f W o m e n (v.3) Birth and death are part and parcel of our human condition, they can't be moralized out of existence. A pregnancy is never a guarantee - and this is not about the fate of the fetus. This is about who has the most realistic and moral ‘standing’ to make such a fateful decision. A fetus certainly is human, but it’s a potentiality, a person in the making, the fetus does not take on the mantle of personhood until those first breaths of life-giving air start infusing its lungs and arteries and tissues with oxygen. In a free society, legally speaking, why doesn't a woman deserve the Right to Her Own Self-Defense - along with Sovereignty Over Her Own Body? Why wouldn't a just society clearly acknowledge: “A woman's life is more precious to her existing family, and to society, than an unborn potentiality.”? Life can force impossible situations upon people, who are we to judge her? Why not some compassion for the most difficult decision in a person’s life? Only the woman has the situational awareness, along with the moral and ethical standing, to decide the future of the growing fetus within her. Entrust her with the legal responsibility. It is significant that abortion is as old as civilization, even Jewish scripture presents the Abrahamic God's perspective on the crisis in a forgiving humane manner. =========== --- address side --- If we aren’t changing minds, we are losing. Women should be entrusted, above all others, with the responsibility of making their own best informed choices about their own pregnancies. In a free society, why don’t we grant women a Right to Self-Defense - along with Sovereignty Over Her Own Body? Why not recognize that a woman’s life is more precious to her existing family, and to our society, than an unborn potentiality. It is the woman’s responsibility. Allow her to make her own decision, no one cares as much as she does! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FEBRUARY 10, 2022 Democratic Party Online Discussion Forum

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