Thursday, February 8, 2024

In Defense of Women, Postcard Activism - Can you help me? (v.2)



In Defense of Women, Postcard Activism

Can you help?

I believe there are too many misinformed individuals out there, and that Democrats need to work harder at gaining and sharing basic solid information and arguments.

It would help us to enable the choir to become more persuasive in our regular interactions and discussion with people, friends, & family.  After all, if we aren’t changing minds, we are losing.

I believe that the better we can verbalize the issues, the easier it is to engage and stand up for justice.  The better our chances to help evolve people’s thinking on issues that matter.


I've taken that challenge personally and produced this “In Defense of Women” summary concise enough to fit onto a postcard.  No envelope for better visibility and hopefully to encourage sharing.  

My dream is that someday our society can learn to acknowledge that it's the mother who, above all others, possesses the situational awareness, along with the moral, ethical, and legal standing to decide the future of the growing fetus within herself. 

Thank you, 

Peter Miesler

aka citizenschallenge

Can you help Go-Fund-Me



My first printing of 250 postcards has been mailed out:

~100 woman’s rights organizations

~140 select Democratic US Senators and Representatives

My second printing of a 1,000 postcards:

I started with a list of key states, and collected the addresses of all the county Democratic Party Committees that were available.








This is where my stock of stamps has run out.  What can I say, I’m happily retired, living in rural Colorado and since I'm a man of modest means and expectations, I have plenty of what I need since, but extra cash isn’t on that list.

Next month I’ll get another couple hundred stamps and plug away at it.


Then I got to thinking, why not reach out for a little help.  See what happens.  Can you perhaps Go Fund Me?  A twenty here, and a twenty there, will help speed up this process.

South Dakota



New York

After those postcards to County Democratic organizations are sent out, there'll be appropriate media outlets and authors, then young people's political clubs, after that, more politicians, and others that come to mind. 

If I could get the help with stamps (0.53@) I’d love to send out a few thousand postcards.  

Can you help?  

Just in case someone's interested, I’ve added this text version that you can cut and paste, perhaps edit as you see fit, then pass it on yourself.

Front Side:

In Defense of Women

Birth & death are part and parcel of our human condition, they can't be moralized out of existence. A pregnancy is never a guarantee and this isn’t about the fate of the fetus. This is about who has the most realistic and moral ‘standing’ to make such a fateful decision.

     A fetus certainly is human, but its a potentiality, a person in the making, the fetus doesn't take on the mantle of personhood until those first breaths of life-giving air start infusing its lungs and arteries and tissues with oxygen.

     In a free society, legally speaking, why doesn't a woman deserve the Right to Her Own Self-Defense - along with Sovereignty Over Her Own Body?

     Why wouldn't a just society clearly acknowledge: “A woman's life is more precious to her existing family, and to society, than an unborn potentiality.”?

     Life can force impossible situations upon people, who are we to judge her?  Why not some compassion for the most difficult decision in a person’s life.

     Entrust her with the responsibility of making their own best informed choices about their own pregnancies.

     It is significant that abortion is as old as civilization, even Jewish scripture presents the Abrahamic God's perspective on the crisis in a forgiving humane manner.

Address Side:

If we aren’t changing minds we are losing. 

Women should be entrusted, above all others, with the responsibility of making her own best informed choices about her own pregnancies. 

In a free society, why won’t we grant women a Right to Self-Defense - along with Sovereignty Over Her Own Body? 

Why not recognize that a womans life is more precious to her existing family, and to society, than an unborn potentiality?

It's the woman's responsibility. 

Allow her to make her own decision.

No one cares as much as she does.



Do Abortion Bans Violate Jews' Religious Rights?

Lisa Fishbayn Joffe

June 16, 2022 (full article is 1200 words of lucid persuasion)

Lisa Fishbayn Joffe is the director of the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute and director of the Project on Gender, Culture, Religion and the Law which explores the tension between women’s equality claims and religious laws. Her research focuses on gender and multiculturalism in family law and on the intersection between secular and religious law. She is a co-founder of the Boston Agunah Task Force, devoted to research, education and advocacy for women under Jewish family law.

“… there is widespread agreement among scholars and rabbinical authorities that a complete prohibition on abortion is inconsistent with Jewish law and tradition. Under Jewish law, an abortion to save the life of the mother is permitted.

“For this reason, Lisa Fishbayn Joffe, the Shulamit Reinharz Director of the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, argues that extreme anti-abortion laws risk infringing on Jews' religious freedoms. Earlier this week, a Florida synagogue made this argument in a suit filed in a state court against Florida's law banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. …”

“Are Jews across denominations arguing that anti-abortion laws infringe on their religious freedoms?

“Yes. It's an argument being put forth by advocates like the National Council of Jewish Women. It holds that since Jewish law supports reproductive rights, abortion restrictions violate Jewish people's right to make choices about their lives in accordance with Jewish law.  This position has many strengths. …”


morning of February 9th

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