Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Why do People Pray? Faith vs. Rationality - CFI Forum

I’m sad that actual dialogue across this incredible internet-work of global connections we have created is disappearing.  Seems that instead of more dynamic dialogue, the opposite has happened.  People becoming insular, too full of ourselves and fearful of others, too content with our comfort zones.
We’d rather take mortal offense at being challenged, or worse corrected, regarding the physical facts of a matter.  Instead of constructively dealing with uncomfortable issues, we’re disconnecting from society.
I keep trying to initiate some dialogue, but seems there’s nobody out there.  Still, basket weaving is better than nothing, especially if some of them are beautiful baskets.
I continue visiting the Center For Inquiry chat forum though it’s a sad shadow of it’s former dynamic interesting self, but hope springs eternal and we keep hoping for a rebirth.  Which is as close as a few interesting visitors looking for a good conversation. 
(click on image for better view)

I know there is no personal god concerned with my affairs or how well I worship him.  But the Universe is a big place and it actually pulses through me, us.  
You know the ‘stuff’ that makes our bodies was created inside stars during their life cycles and deaths.  All the various little molecular and biological tricks my body performs to keep itself going today, were tricks discovered over more than four billion years of dynamic evolution and then passed along.
And when we look at the facts of Evolution – no way around it, there is a consistent theme of steadily evolving more manipulatory and cognitive abilities, yes it is a pageant – (poetically you could dream a universe striving to create the mechanisms needed to be able to contemplate itself.) – Think about it, within our bodies we carry events from along the entire pageant of evolution.
So why not pray to the Universe?  
I am one with it, it is one with me, it is way bigger than I can ever image, but bless-it if I’m not willing to consecrate my oneness with it by praying once in a while.
Although like all things philosophical and religious we need to present our definitions.  
For instance, long ago I weened myself from the ‘prayers’ of asking for favors.   That stuff is self-serving wishful thinking and I can’t help but believe that if there were a personal God, it would do nothing but piss him off - listening to me whining about what I think I need, while ignoring all that I have.
For me the only valid PRAYER is about thanksgiving and gratitude, or grappling with questions and ideas that need to be enunciated in order to confront.
And you know, the Universe does indeed respond to prayer and a good night’s sleep when our mindscapes are allowed to relax and just be, it really does do wonders.
God IS.
God is Creation.
God IS Beyond my (our) understanding.  
But She’s still fun to think about.  
And pray to, once in a while.

;- )

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