Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Examining how our Democratic Party leaders keep failing America.


 Image Story by Shelley Inglis

Executive Director, University of Dayton Human Rights Center, University of Dayton - The Conversation

Dear Editor of the Durango Telegraph,

I’d like to share a letter that I’m sending to Senators Bennet, and Hickenlooper.  On Jan 6th, while the Senate was certifying a US Presidential election, our US Capital was stormed (under the direction of Team Trump) by extremists bearing arms, while waving the flag of Donald Trump.  America’s first ever president with totalitarian ambitions and a complete disregard for our US Constitution, along with anyone who doesn’t worship him.  

They vandalized, they terrorized, they killed, then their leader Donald Trump told them, job well done, now ‘stand down, go home and await further instructions'.  So they did.  Now I sit here mid February - after another profound Democratic failure - having to wonder just how concerned is our Colorado Senate delegation, and the rest of the Democratic Party, for that matter? 

I ask because last week in this time of existential threat to our government, with Trump’s Totalitarian Proud Boys bullying and terrorized Republican Representatives and Senators and any witnesses who dare raise an objection to Trump’s insane UnAmerican behavior during his Impeachment hearing, I shared my concerns with both Senators. 

When our public needs Paul Reveres riding through the streets waking up everyone to the danger, informing and engaging their support and helping give direction to constructive action, I received a superficial response from both your offices that ignored the actual content of my letter and that basically added up to: “Nothing to see here.  Don’t worry, sure scary times, but we have it under control, go back to sleep.”

It was nauseating, no information, no engagement, no suggestions beyond a subliminal “yeah, yeah, now go away, leave us alone.”  I’m disheartened and disgusted because this is exactly how Democrats have become such failures at winning the hearts and minds of the American people, resulting in Democrats losing the important battles.  The same political mishandling that led to Trump’s rise in the first place, but that too few are learning from. 

A healthy democracy demands an informed and engaged public.  When will our Democratic leaders learn that you need to step up and engage your constituents, not hide from us with placating bromides!

We need leaders, not chair warmers.  I’ve voted for both of you, even as a state delegate, but it feels like a wasted vote.  Please start to be leaders, help Coloradans face this foe of totalitarian thinking that’s invaded the Republican Party and the American people.  

Unless you are changing minds, we are losing!  Inform and engage, nurture the power of a strong grassroots at your back - stop ignoring us.

I’m sharing this in the Durango Telegraph because I want younger people to realize, their elders are failing them, they are scared and apparently clueless when it comes to constructively dealing with current problems that threaten your future.  

For better or worse the future is yours, take control, engage, strive to toss out the deadwood and find some young viable candidates for the next election.  Yes, our political system sucks, it’s very unfair, but it’s all we have, ignoring it is what made it so bad, continuing to ignore it will only guarantee the powers of darkness an open road to make it even worse than you can imagine.  If you care, you must step up.


Peter Miesler

Durango, Colorado

Monday, February 15, 2021

Rural Colorado United, standing up to Lauren Boebert

Colorado's 3rd Congressional District.   Are you worried about the seriousness of right wing extremism with its contrived belligerent anger, trumpian totalitarian thinking, and our very own Colorado US Representative Laura Boebert as one of its standard bearers? 

If you are concerned?  Consider the political reality, by ourselves, we are impotent to change anything, but united we can stand up to energize our politicians.  United we can have a change and sustain hope.  

My point is that if you are concerned, you need to join up with organizations such as Rural Colorado United, people who are dedicated to standing behind and pushing our half-measure Democratic Representatives to step it up and start doing a better job of defending our pluralistic principled government and democracy.

We need our Senators and Representatives to focus on winning, rather than rationalizing away their losses, along with the horrendous cascading consequences Democratic Party failures lead to.

That's why I’m reposting this information from Rural Colorado United's website, although I’ve added many more links to add supporting information.  

I am unaffiliated with Rural Colorado United, but I believe their message needs to be shared and circulated around the Western Slope as much as possible, that's if we are to hope for positive change.    

A healthy Democracy requires an informed and engaged citizenry, can you help?}

Getting to know Lauren Boebert, 

Colorado's 3rd Dist. Congresswoman, 

someone who despises the government she took an oath to defend and protect. 


Rural Colorado United

Rural Colorado United believes that the good people of the 3rd Congressional deserve qualified, bipartisan representation that can make a difference for our lives and bring stability and recovery to our communities.

Candidate Lauren Boebert's embrace of extremist militias, inability to answer even simple policy questions, and hyper-partisan celebrity seeking all disqualify her for us.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


We The People of the United States have two Senators representing each state.  Every Senator accepts emails, phone calls and letters.  They pay attention only when they get deluged with mail.  

If you believe Donald Trump betrayed his Oath of Office, isn't it your patriotic duty to let your Senators, Democratic and Republican, know how you feel?


This is an all hands on deck situation like America has never endured before.  You'll find the complete list of Senate contact information at the bottom of this post.  Along the way you'll find links to informative details.

Such as: 77days of Trump fomenting sedition;  The Myth of Voter Fraud;  Creating a Worst Case Pandemic;  Out and Out Criminality;  Senator's Addresses.  

Make your voice heard!

If we want to be more than an impotent spectator to history, participate, contact your Senators, tell them why you believe Trump must be impeached - send them a clear, succinct message, the American people will not tolerate criminality and totalitarian thinking in their presidents.

Let’s acknowledge our bias.  We believe in American pluralism and democracy.  We accept the Statue of Liberty’s promise of a civil nation of immigrants; and a government, of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Never perfect, but striving to do better.

{My question is, why isn't the Democratic Party (and social media) pounding on their drums and engaging their grassroots into such substantive constructive action?  

Flood Republican Senator's with pleas to wake up from the fraud.  Unless we can learn from our mistakes we are lost.  Democracy depends on an informed and engaged electorate.  If we aren't changing minds, we are losing.}


Background information:

77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Examining Democratic Party failure to communicate with We The People. Food for thought.

Considering the Democratic Impeachment Managers 13 minute introductory video. Can we learn from failures to communicate? A healthy democracy demands an informed and engaged electorate, we won't get there wasting golden opportunities. For instance,

Every time you air reruns of Trump yodeling "election fraud" why aren’t there big legible subtitles and warming labels clearly stating the truth:  

*Claims of voter fraud have been countless!

*No substantive evidence for Voter Fraud has been brought forward!

*Over 60 Trump lawsuits were tossed out because of lack of evidence!

*No fraud, Trump lost!

Why wasn’t there a time clock running in the corner to help bring home the flow of events?  Also in conjunction with that, why not provide links to resources that are cataloguing the events unfolding in that video?  A shot of Trump sneaking back to the White House would have been worth gold!  What happened to those people during a particular moments?  We The People are curious.  Connect us with those stories!  

{For a few of those details, see the articles below the fold}

These are costly failures to communicate and connect with the American people!

We can’t afford missing them and helping Americans better grasp what was going on and why it's important for all patriots of a pluralistic democratic American society to stand up and voice our personal support for our American government and its rule of law.  

Why? If we aren't changing minds, we are losing.  We need to try reaching those angry (and dare I say brainwashed) souls with vandalism in their hearts, we need to help them appreciate how Trump defrauded them. 

YouTube channel, Philippe Berry

House manager Jamie Raskin introduced a 13 minutes video of the Jan 6 Capitol attack at Donald Trump second impeachment trial (02/09/21)


77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election

By Jim Rutenberg, Jo Becker, Eric Lipton, Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Martin, Matthew Rosenberg, Michael S. Schmidt and Najeebah Al-Ghadban - NYTimes.com

Dear Democratic Senators, 117th Congress: Help Us, Help You!

(Below the fold you'll find a complete list of current U.S. Senator mail & email addresses.)

Honorable Colorado Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper,

I’m terrified that, during this Impeachment Process (not trial!), the Democrats are once again going to fall short.  A Democracy depends upon a well informed and engaged public!  Yet, seems like what I receive from Democratic politicians is the same old boilerplate fundraising pitches.


Nothing that informs me.  Nothing to engage my passion.  Nothing to provide me with facts and good talking points that respond to the GOP's dishonesty and confronts their attacks on our government and its standards of plurality and democracy. 

Nothing that offers an action plan or makes me think I’m part of the Democratic team.  Nothing that makes me excited to participate.  Too often it really does feel like all you politicians want is my money.

That’s a problem because Democratic politicians are never going to accomplish real change without the power of the grassroots and masses of engaged voters at your backs, supporting and pushing.

We need to demonstrate to the once great GOP and their brainwashed supporters, that American standards of democracy, rule of law, honesty and FAIR PLAY are alive and kicking and that We The People loudly and clearly reject the Republican’s Trumpist Wing with its totalitarian obsessions.

Come on Senators, please help us, help you, save America.  Please, please step up your Democratic Party public relations game.  

Fundraising is critical but please realize: UNLESS YOU ARE CHANGING MINDS, AND INSPIRING ACTION, WE ARE LOSING ! ! !  Talk to us.


Peter Miesler

aka Citizenschallenge

American citizen

Colorado voter


Senators of the 117th Congress, Email & Addresses: 

(Terms for senators in Class I expire in 2025, Class II in 2027, and Class III in 2023.) 

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Case For Reality and Earth Centrism - Physical Reality~Mindscape divide

Moving on . . . {My "Hoffman playing basketball in zero gravity" project continues over at ConfrontingScience Contrarians.blogspot} now it's time for this site to start going its own way again.  I want to start by revisiting an essay I first wrote a couple years back and that offers the reasoning behind Earth Centrism and appreciating the Physical Reality~Mindscape divide. 


This is written with engaged students in mind.  Especial those with writing projects related to defending the truths within Earth Sciences and physical reality.  Within these chapters you'll find a plethora of assorted references and links and context that will help inform, challenge and expand your own understanding and drive you to a better finished product.

Like most thinking people I've spent plenty of time wondering about the "body-mind problem."    

You know, that constant inner dialogue, the me, myself and I.  This body I inhabit and all those conflicts between good angels and bad angels, and willpower, and this body made me do it, and all the rest.  

As if that's not enough, there's that amazing incomprehensible world out there, outside of me.  What is it?  Can I believe what I see?  Who am I?  Why am I?  Does the world dissolve when I fall asleep.  What keeps it together when I’m not watching.  Where's the line between my mind and the world around me?  The questions can be endless and I've been playing with them since my earliest memories.  

Now at 65, I'm happy to report that the admonition 'seek and ye shall find,' is true.  Stay true to yourself, be honest to the facts, do your homework and you can have those questions resolved to your heart’s content.  It's an emergent thing, and the process requires a driving curiosity and a constant diet of information and learning about all aspects of our Earth and her history, along with our humanistic sphere, our lives, ways'n means, fears, gods and other beliefs.

I've come to learn that our deepest mysteries are simpler than people love making them out to be.  That's why I've kept working the problem and striving to do a better job of telling my story.  Then over the summer of 2018 it came together and I wrote my Hallelujah chorus, well the first draft.

I shared it with some friends and they did get caught up in the story and listened with interest, still when finished, it left them a bit perplexed rather than enlightened.  Okay? Fun interesting read, now what am I supposed to do with it?  What is it actually about?  And so on.  

‘it’s about perspectives and how we process the information that’s flowing through our senses.’  

Though, along with some suggestions, I was invited to enlarge it for a formal presentation to a small local skeptics group.  Working on it, it occurred to me the bio provided much needed context that helped the heart of my story make more sense to folks who had never considered such a perspective.  Then, the group dissolved and the talk never happened.  Now, I share it with you.

Thinking on it some more I know that it's about much more than that.  

It's about grasping for an appreciation of DeepTime, Evolution, and the dance of life and geology that created this world we were born out of and will die back into.  Something that offers individuals a path to understanding their own place in time and the universe within a sane reality based over-arching perspective.

Something that offers peace in the face of our individual mortality and that eternal question of “Why?”.

Something that offers spiritual fulfillment through a visceral appreciation for how time and life on this Pale Blue Dot created us through this Earth that we inhabit today and that we will return to upon finishing our short dance across life’s stage.  Why isn't that cosmic gift enough?

Something that can offer rationalists and atheists a sense of our own spiritual fulfillment - (in contrast to the faith-shackled's nonstop trumpeting about praising a God that in reality is merely a reflection of their own EGOs.)    

Something that offers us Children of the Intellectual Enlightenment the inner moral foundation and spiritual fortitude to step up and lovingly, constructively, challenge and confront those sad brainwashed souls eye to eye.  If we aren't changing minds, we are losing.

All of us have them in our lives, why not discover ways to ask them how they live with the cognitive dissonance inherent within their “my way only” religions and rejection of scientific facts? 

Before I get to the Earth Centrism, I think I need to look at some of the origins of my own individual perspective, in order to set stage for my story.