I compiled this collection after the Colorado State Convention for the election season and I’d hoped some activists might benefit from thinking about these issues, that most rather skirt.
My essay received some nice pats on the back, but regarding my collection and its pleas that we need to directly engage contrarian types and campaigns, that received a resounding rejection. I think it’s unfortunate and indicates these days even the intellectually enlightened rather talk past each other than step outside our respective comfort zones.
In any event, I sent it to a number of scientists, politicians and science communicators, with plans for much more mailing, but then work caught up with me again. Plus, truth be told, the lack of feedback was rather disheartening.
Then, talk about disheartening, the Judiciary Committee Democratic Senators failure to spotlight Kavanaugh’s reliance on conspiracy theory, nor his rabid partisanship, nor his threats, nor the need for judiciary standards of honesty, and the need for judiciary nonpartisanship, why no query into his feeling towards American pluralism, nothing, some hopeful moments, but when it mattered most they folded. Just another example of Democrats impotence in the face of alt-right continued bulldozing their way through our government. That one really kicked my ass.
Obama’s speech early September was great, but then what? Where was Obama during the Kavanaugh hearing?
With the election days away, perhaps We The People will shine and old time American human values of honesty and constructive community engagements will gain strength in its opposition to Me First ruthless stupidity. I have my fears, perhaps its beyond that.
Earth Centrist ponders, polite or honest?
Citizenschallenge’s “Hall of Shame”
Earth Centrist ponders, polite or honest?
... You see I've hurt JohnSmith's feelings again, guess I'm too busy pointing out the fallacies he's perpetrating, rather than dancing with him. Since I seem to have a reputation as a rough kinda guy, although I prefer "up front'n honest", it's worth discussing in more detail.