I wrote the following as a "Letter to the Editor" in the weekly Durango Telegraph (8/18/2016) about the Tri-State, LPEA waiver request which seems to be fizzling out - pending yet another round of appeals and lawyerly bickering. What remains is Tri-State Generation and Transmission unwavering commitment to suppressing regional alternative energy resource development.
Our local LaPlata Electrical Association is but one of over forty co-ops that Tri-State supplies. Tri-State is but one of 65 Generation and Transmission CO-OPs supplying 840 distribution co-ops across America. Too many are still run by dinosaurs committed to yesteryear's realities, while ignoring the changes happening upon our only Earth.
What's important is that these distribution co-ops are member owned, meaning the public is welcome to attend their monthly board of directors meetings.
Inform yourself, and help educate others, be a citizen's lobbyist. One informed, honest, communicative individual can make a difference, even if that individual doesn't realize it yet. But you'll never know until you go.
Back in June there was a bunch of excitement about the LPEA board of directors considering signing a negotiation-waiver with Tri-State Generation and Transmission the supplier of the electricity that LPEA co-op distributes. The waiver stipulates that Tri-State would be primary negotiator on contracts with all future alternative energy ventures.
Basically Tri-State’s waiver would result in relegating LPEA to the position of an impotent, but vital, junior partner in all future forays into developing regional alternate energy sources. The problem with this plan is that Tri-State has a long history of being hostile towards alternate energy development. What alternative energy development Tri-State is involved in is minimal, forced, and more focused on PR mileage then on genuine commitment to develop alternate energy sources. Coal remains their game and strangling expansion of alternate energy seems their business model.
In support of my opinion I offer a couple pieces of evidence.