Wednesday, June 23, 2010

#1 Index for "Abraham v Monckton"

You can find the presentation at:

I have posted this index separately to allow it and my "Unauthorized Notes" to be opened side by side, thus making navigation through PhD. Abraham's 126 slide presentation easier.

Slide #1-2......Introduction
Slide #3........Who is Professor John Abraham
Slide #4-5......Who is Lord Christopher Monckton
Slide #6........CM:“Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen.”
Slide #7-9......JA looks at evidence for the authenticity of that quote
Slide #10-14....Sea level rise? ~ examined
Slide #15-18....Polar bears threatened? ~ examined
Slide #19-22....Sea ice extent in the Beaufort Sea?
Slide #23-26....Polar bears threatened? ~ examined
Slide #27-38....Medieval Warm Period (MWP) ~ examined
Slide #39-40....CM’s “2500 IPCC scientists lied” claim ~ examined
Slide #41.......Do climate claims really rest on just 4 IPCC reports?
Slide #41-44....Sampling 19 from 100s of "Climate Sensitivity" studies
Slide #45.......Science Policy’s graphs ~ examined
Slide #46.......NASA data: Global Land Ocean Temperature Index
Slide #47.......CM slide #32: “IPCC head is a railroad engineer”
Slide #48.......CM slide #37: “NOAA - it ain’t cooling - lie” ~ examined
Slide #49.......CM slide #38: “lie nailed” claims all data was shifted”
Slide #50.......JA: “Are the predictions wrong? or is it CM’s graphs?"
Slide #51.......NOAA’s “Temperature Anomalies” graph
Slide #52-53....Comparing graphs
Slide #54.......CM slide #43: “The consensus lie: AGW = catastrophe"
Slide #55-58....Examining that claim
Slide #59-61....CM claims “No sea level rise in the Maldives”
Slide #62-66....CM claims "Temperature always leads CO2"
Slide #67-69....CM claims “Ocean acidification is rubbish”
Slide #70.......CM slide #56: Arctic Sea-Ice steady for a decade
Slide #71-75....Examines the question is melting ice related to AGW
Slide #76.......CM says Greenland Ice Sheet OK citing Johannessen
Slide #77-79....Examining Johannessen work and exchanged emails
Slide #80.......Reviews four studies regarding Ice Mass Changes
Slide #81.......CM claims “Himalayan glaciers are not losing ice mass”
Slide #82-84....Reviews 3 studies regarding Himalayan glacier melt
Slide #85-86....CM’s claim that “CO2 is only a trace gas” ~ examined
Slide #87.......CM slide #72 “The oceans are cooling”
Slide #88.......Regarding ARGO an institution or an instrument?
Slide #89-92....CM slide #73 Sea Level has not risen for 4 years?
Slide #93.......CM slide #67 “Grand Minimum to Grand Maximum"
Slide #94-108...Solar forcing examined & review of 12 studies
Slide #109-115..Willie Soon and examining funding patterns
Slide #116-124..JA considers the “Sins of Attribution”
Slide #125......JA asks: “So who can we trust?" ~ ten sources
Slide #126......JA asks: "How is an audience able to discriminate?"

For a complete list of links to studies and publication
used in "Abraham v Monckton" visit:

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