Sunday, December 14, 2008

letter to "Red" McCombs Enterprises regarding VWC

The following is a letter I've sent to the various Red McCombs addresses I was able to ferret out.
(For more on the Village at Wolf Creek scheme see early October in this blog.)


I'm trying to get a letter through to Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture which seems impossible. Now I'm hoping to reach Mr. Billy Red McCombs through you.

Please pass this letter on to him.

Dear Mr. McCombs,
Please consider the following reasons for abandoning the Village at Wolf Creek, these are but a few:

> Alberta Park is at 10,000 elevation, receives some of this country’s biggest snowfalls, is 200 miles from the nearest large population centers, and thousands from the shrinking money capable of buying into such speculative ventures.

> Economic winds have shifted. Current events are proving that the Reaganomics Faith, upon which the Village at Wolf Creek was conceived, is actually an illusion that hides cruel balloon payment liabilities. The Village, in any form, is simply not viable in the coming economic upheaval.

> Climatic winds are shifting. Water storage and supply issues are going to take on greater urgency in a drier Southwest.

> Alberta Park currently functions as a key component in a vast nearly pristine watershed. A component that serves vital biological, life sustaining functions. Such as holding and filtering water used in countless ways by millions of down stream Rio Grande River stakeholders. It is also a linchpin to wildlife migration. Given the habitat loss this past half century, any remaining parcels we can spare need to be protected, we can’t rebuild them.

> That land and it’s hydrologic resource is worthy of being seen as a National Security Item. ( For more background on the importance of clean watersheds & rivers visit: )

> Deeding that parcel back to the Rio Grande National Forest as the Billy Red McCombs Watershed Preserve would proclaim your legacy as a man who had the insight to appreciate the true value of his land and the patriotism to care for the down to earth needs of future generations. It would make you a hero in these parts.

Your thoughtful consideration would be appreciated.


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